Wednesday, 22 June 2016

To Much of a Good Thing


As I mentioned in a previous post I have been spending a lot of time on Pinterest.

I have been soaking up lots of inspiration but maybe you can have too much of a good thing.

I get back to creating my own art work.

 I haven't actually painted anything for  along time now.

I am still struggling with the pain in my leg so for ease

I have just been using pencils and pastels which are easy to use

when resting my leg in front of the television.

Here are a couple of pages from my art journal.

Stabilo All pencil and water brush

oil pastel

I wasn't very happy with this one and was adding some white to her hair and in frustration

continued over her face then........ I quite liked it lol!



  1. I like them both but the first one is so soulful!

  2. Beautiful work - I love the second one as the white adds such an interesting aspect to it - I'd love to know her story, she looks deep.
    I daren't go on Pinterest much, as I find I can lose days doing that!

  3. I like both! Pinterest is a wonderful place - hope you feel better with your leg soon ♥

  4. oooh I love pintrest, although it can become a black hole where you spend more time looking than making! If you let me know your name Ill follow you ;) Hope your leg feels better soon.

  5. oooh I love pintrest, although it can become a black hole where you spend more time looking than making! If you let me know your name Ill follow you ;) Hope your leg feels better soon.
