Monday, 7 November 2016

Changes are a Foot.


Autumn is well and truly here.

Autumn and the forthcoming run up to my favourite time of year

 i e Christmas has raised my spirits.

After suffering a spell of artists block (the equivelant to writers block)

I have been spur'd on to make those changes I have mentioned in previous posts.

I have changed my profile name from Fuzzie Fingers to Carol Rigby and changed my profile picture.

This is due to the fact that this blog title does not reflect the work I am creating now so I have created

 a new blog with the title Pencil, Pastel and Paint.

 I know this will result in problems connecting with some blogger friends but will do my best to 

give out as much info as possible to guide you in the right direction if you wish to continue to follow

 my art.

As well as a new blog I have also ventured onto Facebook and now have a Facebook page also 

named Pencil, Pastel and Paint.

If you are on Facebook I would love it if you would connect with me by  'Liking' my page

I am in the process of getting to grips with the workings of Facebook and hope to be able to put a

 badge up on my blogs to link to my Facebook page when I learn how.

Wish me Luck.