Monday, 7 November 2016

Changes are a Foot.


Autumn is well and truly here.

Autumn and the forthcoming run up to my favourite time of year

 i e Christmas has raised my spirits.

After suffering a spell of artists block (the equivelant to writers block)

I have been spur'd on to make those changes I have mentioned in previous posts.

I have changed my profile name from Fuzzie Fingers to Carol Rigby and changed my profile picture.

This is due to the fact that this blog title does not reflect the work I am creating now so I have created

 a new blog with the title Pencil, Pastel and Paint.

 I know this will result in problems connecting with some blogger friends but will do my best to 

give out as much info as possible to guide you in the right direction if you wish to continue to follow

 my art.

As well as a new blog I have also ventured onto Facebook and now have a Facebook page also 

named Pencil, Pastel and Paint.

If you are on Facebook I would love it if you would connect with me by  'Liking' my page

I am in the process of getting to grips with the workings of Facebook and hope to be able to put a

 badge up on my blogs to link to my Facebook page when I learn how.

Wish me Luck.



  1. Okay, bookmarked your new blog...I'm all set and ready to go! ;)

  2. Hi Carol - wishing you all the best with your new blog venture - sometimes it's nice to reflect a change of image as you develop and move on into new things, isn't it. I am proud to be the first to sign up as a follower! Also, wishing you well as you embark on Facebook - maybe it's something to do with the way my brain is wired but I never could get to grips with Facebook!!


  3. Looking forward to seeing your new blog flourish, as I'm sure it will. Now i'm off to 'Like' your FB page too :D x

  4. Just been over and clicked 'follow' - I don't know why but my usual avatar has disappeared and I'm just a grey head now! I think it's a good idea to have a change when you feel like you have left your old path and taken a new one. I am sure your new blog will do well and I'll pop over and see your FB page in a minute although I don't really get involved with FB - my sister made me a page and nagged me to participate for a while but I just don't feel the need to at the moment - perhaps one day!
    Thank you for the visit and good luck with all the changes!

  5. I kind of hope you stay with this blog...the other name is harder to remember. Also you have built up google status with this blog and your images. Plus you have subscriptions too! I may not comment but I often see what you're up to on my email. Google search your art and yourself and see what comes up!! Google your blog in images too! Hope this wasn't too forward of me. I have seen people regret changing blogs too often! You could still put your name on this blog banner and keep fuzziefingers can even tell people on the run to look up's so easy and fun! I hope you reconsider!!

    Hugs Giggles
