Monday, 4 July 2016

Pencil Comparison


As mentioned in my last post I have been swatching my Prismacolor Portrait Set of coloured pencils

 with my cheaper W H Smith set with pleasing results.

The only downside to the cheaper pencils was the limited palette compared to the Prismacolor's.

I am so impressed with the W H Smith pencils that I have invested in a set of 36 Watercolour pencils

 and I will share my thoughts on them in my next post.

Thank you to those of you who left comments in my last post telling me your thoughts on

       Inktense pencils and Gelato's.



  1. I don't have much luck with watercolor pencils. :( Don't know if it's me or the pencils....I think it's probably me, lol.

  2. These gals are awesome...they looks like twins!

    Hugs Giggles
